Some useful non-governmental links are listed below
with a brief description of what each provides:

We created this web page to assist our customers and visitors navigate the internet and find useful sites. We have indicated Especially useful sites are indicated in red type. We suggest you bookmark these pages for future reference!  Periodically we update this page, so if you have suggestions please e-mail us at info@envir-solutions.com.

Professional Organizations || Weather || Reference Tools || Computers/Technology || Health || Nature


American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE)
The American Academy of Environmental Engineers is dedicated to excellence in the practice of environmental engineering.  Its mission is to ensure the public's health, safety, and welfare to enable humankind to co-exist in harmony with nature.

Association for Environmental Health and Science (AEHS)
This web site contains technical articles as well as hydrocarbon cleanup standards for all 50 states.

Geological Society of America (GSA)
This organization has been the geoscientist's resource for more than 100 years. Publications, meetings and conferences, education and outreach programs, and an employment matching service offer GSA members (currently 16,000 strong) opportunities for professional growth and service to the earth sciences.

National Groundwater Association (NGWA)
This organization provides information on groundwater. This site contains information on publications relating to groundwater, an on-line forum, and a database with over 78,000 groundwater citations.

National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) is the only engineering society that represents licensed professional engineers (PEs) across all disciplines. Founded in 1934, the NSPE strengthens the engineering profession by promoting engineering licensure and ethics, advocating and protecting PEs' legal rights at the national and state levels, publishing news about the profession, providing continuing education opportunities, and much more. The NSPE serves over 60,000 members and the public through 54 state and territorial societies and more than 500 chapters.

Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
The Business Reference Desk section of the web site provides valuable reference materials regarding environmental and OSHA/Safety issues and related tools.

Society of Women Environmental Professionals (SWEP) Philadelphia Chapter
The SWEP is a national non-profit professional association of women involved or interested in
environmental law, science, and business.


The Weather Channel
We all watch the channel. Now go on-line to the ultimate source for weather. You can use the customizable home page so you don't have to go through so many steps to find out about your local weather.

Also see:

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


Reference Desk
A starting point  for all inquiries.  This web site has a dictionary, thesaurus, area codes, periodic table of elements, the white pages, the yellow pages, and so much more we can't possibly list everything.  This is an excellent site to make as your internet browser home page.

Acronym Finder
Ever wonder what an acronym stands for? Acronym Finder tells you what the abbreviation stands for.

Chemical Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Cornell University put together this web site, which catalogs around 250,000 chemical products.  Search for the chemical you are interested in and then download information about it.

Instruction Manuals On-Line
Can't find the manual to your DVD player?  Search this site to find user manuals for appliances, electronics, audio, video, office equipment, personal care products, phones and accessories, and photography.

Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Software Directory
This web site catalogues over a thousand programs in the fields of Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology, Foundation Engineering, Hydrogeology, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Data Analysis and Data Visualisation.  It also lists hundreds of worldwide suppliers and publishers of these programs.

The Hydrogeologist's Home Page
This is a great web site for hydro-business tips, models, instrumentation, and links to other web sites.

Randol International, Ltd.
Randol's web site offers mining and exploration information, Randol's Buyer's Guide on-line, Mining Directories, a listing of upcoming mining conferences, technical papers on mining issues, mining stocks to watch, a bookstore, and a job search service.


Find Email Addresses
Are you having problems locating someone online? Try this site to see if you can dig up their email address.  This site may not provide all the answers you need, but it is a good place to start.

This web site is a comprehensive source of information on computers, software, programming, etc.  ES's Webmaster frequently consults this site to stay on top of the ever-changing high-tech world.  ZDNet also offers a newsletter packed with valuable insights.


American Cancer Society (ACS)
The American Cancer Society strives to eradicate cancer through research, public education, early detection, and advocacy. Browse this site to find information on programs, news on cancer, and research that is being done.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Not only does this site provide specific information on certain diseases, but it also provides a geographic map of the world.  When the you click on a specific region, the site provides information on the health risks, what you can do to prevent sickness, and how to treat someone if they do get sick.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)
One of the world's foremost biomedical research centers, the NIH is dedicated to finding ways to improve the health of everyone. Use this site to find out the latest information on new research being done to combat everything from the common cold to the rarest diseases.


National Audubon Society
This society was formed in the late 1800's by George Bird Grinnell, who was opposed to the unregulated hunting of birds and animals. He started the first bird preservation organization and soon state chapters sprung up across the country, with thousands of supporters. This organization still thrives today and remains committed to protecting wildlife.  Check out this web site to find out what their latest endeavors are.

National Geographic
The web site lives up to the standards set by the printed magazine.  Use this site to discover the world.

National Parks
Take some time out for yourself and use this web site to locate national parks you would like to visit.  Once you make your decision, make sure that you leave the cell phone and pager behind!

Natural Land's Trust
The focus of this organization is to acquire, protect, and manage natural areas in the Philadelphia region.

Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences
The Academy of Natural Sciences, an international museum of natural history operating since 1812, undertakes research and public education that focuses on the environment and its diversity. Its mission is to expand knowledge of nature through discovery and to inspire stewardship of the environment.